Daily Archives: April 10, 2013

A Games Based on Popular TV Show- Family Feud

You may have heard about the popular game show Family Feud. Yes, that American TV shows where there is a competition between two families. Don’t you ever wished to become a part of that popular show. I think you wished that. I know, you are wondering why I am discussing all these things. Actually there is a game developed based on this TV show. In fact, total game atmosphere will give you the feelings of that show. So, now you also can become a part of Family Feud. Visit any website to learn more about it.
In the game, you will be asked different question and there will be 5 hidden answers of that particular question. Your task is to guess the right answer. The answers will be ranked from 1 to five. If you answer the rank one answer you will get the highest point.
Enjoy the exciting game.